STEP 3: Add Students to the Portal

Students can be added to the Portal in a variety of ways:

  • Students can be automatically uploaded into the Portal using data from a Student Information System (SIS). This process usually does not require action from a Test Coordinator. If an automatic SIS import is used, students do not need to be manually added to the Portal through the Student Management process. Districts interested in establishing a SIS connection should contact DRC Customer Support for additional details.

Users please note that the SIS upload options are available for DRC BEACON clients under statewide adoption in GA and SC as per agreements.

  • Students can be manually added to the Portal as individual students or using a multiple student upload process through the Student Management process.
    • Students may be added manually if a SIS connection does exist, but the next scheduled SIS student data update will not occur until after the student needs to test. This scenario is most likely to occur when a new student has entered the district immediately preceding planned testing.
    • Districts that do not utilize a SIS upload system will need to manually add students to the Portal either individually or via the multiple student upload process.

Adding students to the DRC INSIGHT Portal is necessary for tasks such as assigning accommodations, registration, and reporting.

Adding Individual Students to the DRC INSIGHT Portal

  1. Select Student Management from the main drop-down menu, and then select the Manage Students tab.
  2. Search for the student to ensure that the student has not already been added to the DRC INSIGHT system. Make selections for the required Administration, District, and School fields and any additional student details such as their name, student ID, or grade. Then click the Find Students button. 
  3. If the student does not appear in the search results, then scroll to the bottom of the page and click Add Student. Note that the required Administration, District, and School fields will need to be populated for the Add Student button to become available.
  4. The Add Student window opens where you will enter details about the student.
  5. Enter the student’s name, student ID, and the additional required details marked by a red asterisk on the Student Detail tab.
  6. Enter any optional details on the Accommodations and Demographics tabs.
  7. Click the Save button. Or, if you will be adding additional students, click the Save & Add Another button.
  8. You will receive a confirmation that your student has been added successfully. The student you added will now appear on the Manage Students page.

Adding Multiple Students to the DRC INSIGHT Portal

Creating an upload file:

  1. To add multiple students to the DRC INSIGHT Portal by uploading a csv file, select Student Management from the main drop-down menu, click on Manage Students, and then select the Upload Multiple Students tab.
  2. Click the File Layout link to open the Multiple Student Upload File Layout. This document will provide instructions for creating the csv file and the data requirements for each field. 
  3. Click the Sample File link to download a sample csv file. This file provides an example of the correct file layout and provides you with pre-populated sample student data.
  4. Open the sample file and enter your student data into the file, referring to the sample data and the Multiple Student Upload File Layout instructions, as needed.
  5. Do not modify the column headers.
  6. Be sure to delete the rows of sample data, and save a csv copy of your file.
  7. Refer to the Multiple Student Upload File Layout instructions for assistance with saving csv files, if needed.
  8. When your student file is ready, return to the Upload Multiple Students tab on the Manage Students page in the DRC INSIGHT Portal.

Uploading the file:

  1. Select the Administration, District, and School with which you want to associate the students.
  2. Click on the Browse button and select the file that you have prepared. Once the file is selected, click the Upload button. A message will display indicating that the upload is in process.
  3. The system will automatically check the file for any errors in the file layout and data records. If no errors are found, the file will be accepted and all records will be uploaded. If file layout or data errors are found in the file, the Error Report link will provide the details needed to find and correct the errors.
  4. It is recommended to check the Error Report after every upload to ensure all students were uploaded successfully.
  5. If the file contains errors, you must correct them and repeat the upload process. (You do not have to remove the records that were previously loaded successfully.)
  6. Continue this process until NO errors are found in the file.
  7. The Student file link provides a copy of the last file that was uploaded.

Next, add any accommodations needed for the students you have just uploaded to the DRC INSIGHT Portal. To update accommodations, under Participant Preparation, select Student Management from the drop-down menu. Select the Manage Students tab. Find the student or students and edit their information in the Accommodations tab.

Student Information System (SIS) Data Exchange Connections

An optional SIS connection is available for importing students with their associated demographics via a direct connection between a district’s Infinite Campus SIS and DRC INSIGHT. This is an optional data import method and is not required. For districts using Infinite Campus SIS connections, if classes are defined in the SIS data, corresponding rosters will be automatically created and available in the DRC INSIGHT Portal. Users will be able to set up and monitor data imports throughout the year.

Having multiple options for importing data provides districts much needed flexibility in terms of when and how data is imported for different programs. The SIS automation also reduces the effort and overall time involved in the import process. As a reminder, all data can be entered manually into the DRC INSIGHT Portal.

Districts interested in establishing a SIS connection should contact DRC Customer Support for additional details.

Users please note that the SIS upload options are available for DRC BEACON clients under statewide adoption in GA and SC as per agreements.

STEP 1.5

Add Users to the Portal


Create and Manage Test Sessions