Student Group Roster
- List of students, some identifying elements (e.g. Student ID or DOB), and corresponding test and score information in a tabular view
- Includes results from a single test session
- Allows User (Teacher) to quickly sort Student results in a specific sequence or filter down to a subset of Students (e.g. certain performance levels or scale score ranges)
- Provides one-click access to Individual Student Reports (ISR) for viewing, download, and print. ONLY on the “All” / Overall views since the ISR will only be for complete and composite tests not individual testlets.
- Includes an option to view each content area (Math/ELA) separately or combined, along with 3 predefined views for Overall Content; Subject Area; and Reporting Category
- Choosing the Reporting Category or Subject Area view will populate another filter that allows users to select one Reporting Category/Subject Area or to go to a view with all. NOTE: when selecting the “All” view will only show Composite/Complete(Overall) tests.
- Performance Color provides a quick visual cue for your on-screen analysis
Longitudinal Roster
- List of students, some identifying elements (e.g. Student ID or DOB), and corresponding test and score information in a tabular view
- Includes results from multiple test sessions
- Allows User (Teacher) to quickly identify the change (growth or regression) in score/performance between different instructional and testing periods
- Users can sort Student results in a specific sequence or filter down to a subset of Students (e.g. certain performance levels or scale score ranges)
- Provides one-click access to Individual Student Reports (ISR) for viewing, download, and print
- Includes an option to view each content (Math/ELA) area separately or combined, and to specify a date range for relevant test sessions
- Performance Color provides a quick visual cue for your on-screen analysis
Student Dashboard
- Dashboard of various measures and context related to Student testing results
- Includes all test results for a single Student at a time
- Specific views or information provided: Headline scores from most recent test event (by reporting category (Math) and Subject Area (ELA)); scale scores for all tests over time (by reporting category, Overall Content, and Subject Area(ELA)); Comparisons to mean scores for the Student Group the student was apart of for the session.
Individual Learning Progression
- Displays scores and identifying information for a single Student
- Includes results for a single test session
- Features tabular views of Student scores within reach Reporting Category, the corresponding Band from the Learning Progression, and the associated Standards and Descriptions
- Users (Teachers) can see the Band and Standards that align with the Student’s scores (“Tested Standards”) along with the Standards associated with the next Band(s) in the progression (“Standards for Growth”)
- Performance Color provides a quick visual cue for your on-screen analysis
- Standards hyperlink to Educational Instructional Strategies